
Archive | star trek

You Can Help Launch a Leonard Nimoy Documentary & Be a Part of Geek History ForEVAR

weespockWhether you’re a Trekkie or a Trekker, we all miss the late Leonard Nimoy. His son, Adam Nimoy, is trying to launch an documentary showing a more intimate view of his father than fans would otherwise have access to. Fellow geeks and Trekkies, we can make this a reality. Adam Nimoy is trying to raise $600K to get this project off the ground and geek support will not only help make that happen, but also makes for a proof of need. The Trekkie community wants this, they will watch it, and they will buy DVDs and bask in the geeky glow that is the Spock of the ages.

The project, For the Love of Spock, is now on Kickstarter and has just over 3 weeks to go. The project was originally supposed to be a tribute to Spock, the character, but since Leonard Nimoy’s passing, son Adam wishes to incorporate more footage of his father the person as well – not just his most famous role as Spock.

While you can chip in for just $5, a mere $50 (a lot less than you’ve ever spent at a Star Trek convention!) will get your name on the credits. ForEVAR! So live long and prosper, my fellow geeks and Trekkies. It’s time to launch this documentary where no film has gone before.

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Make Super Cool Star Trek & Star Wars Gummies for Your Next Comic Con Party

Hosting a get-together with your fellow geeks (and perhaps fellow nerds) in advance of the next Comic Con? Or just wanting to nerd-up your own custom gummies? The Grant Thompson (aka “King of Random”) video below gives a splendid step-by-step demo of how to make Lego gummies – but you can easily adapt this skill with these silicon Star Wars and/or Star Trek themed ice trays. Who wouldn’t want to make a gummy Death Star?!

Perhaps this falls under the category of more nerdy than geeky, but all geeks have a pinch of nerd in them… some more than others. Of course, you can always use these as actual ice trays when you’re not brewing up sci-fi gummy treats!