
Archive | star trek

The Star Trek Tractor Beam is Here. Kinda. Sorta.

tbeamRight when Obi-Wan Kenobi stated, “that’s no moon. It’s a space station!,” Han Solo decided to reverse engines, but it was too late. The Death Star already had the Millennium Falcon in its tractor beam. Whether it’s Star Wars, Star Trek, or name your favorite sci-fi – if it’s got space in it, it’s got a tractor beam thingy somewhere.

Scientists Yoichi Ochiai, Takayuki Hoshi, and Jun Rekimoto, from the University of Tokyo and Nagoya Institute of Technology have figured out how to levitate and even move (albeit very tiny, tiny) objects in 3-dimensional space. The size of the wee object being levitated and moved is determined by the size of the sound wave being used. So… will it hold the Enterprise at bay? Not unless it’s being flown by Ant Man… but then again, not in space at all. Sound requires an atmosphere – so no atmosphere means said tractor beam is earth bound until they figure out how to do this another way. Just remember – every historic journey begins with one small step.

The video below shows the items (including an LED light and a resistor among other objects). If you’re a font snob like me, however, you may need a barf bag handy – there is heavy use of Comic Sans (shudder). At least the instrumental is pretty. 🙂

You can read more about this from the University of Cornell’s Library website – but you will definitely need to be wearing your pocket protectors to read it. 🙂

“Tea. Earl Grey, hot.” Not Just Sci-Fi – the Star Trek Replicator is Now a REALITY


You know you want a food replicator. Everyone with a stomach wants one!

What Trekkie hasn’t waxed covetous of the futuretech gizmo featured in the Star Trek franchise? The food replicator has been the thing of fantasy – to be able to ask your computer for a hot meal and have it deliver – piping hot, properly plated, and within seconds. Well, thanks to Israeli company, White Innovation, you no longer have to wait for a time traveller to arrive to take you to the future time in which this tech exists. The future has arrived!

White Innovation has taken 3D printing to the next level. Pre-made cups of food-making material pop into the Genie and in 30 seconds, your hot meal is ready. Ok – it’s not quite as fast as the replicator on the Enterprise D, but we’re only in the 21st century, not the 24th. You can visit their website to sign up for a pre-order and to be the first to know about it’s release. Yes – this is a real product you can own, not just something people get to play with in a lab… and it’s not some gigantic gizmo that will take over your kitchen. It has a fairly small counter footprint and new recipes are being concocted at a steady pace.

The video below shows how the gizmo works. No sound effects or sparklies like we’d see in Picard’s ready room, but a small sacrifice to make when sci-fi fantasy segues into your home.

You can follow White Innovation’s head of technology, Doron Marco on Twitter, and co-founder and CEO Ayelet Carasso on Facebook, as well as on the company website.
