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Future Tech’s Highest Achievement – Restoring Sight to the Blind?

3114280035_d58e436b86_mOne of the many things I geek out over is science and how things work in general. The human eye is a remarkable creation. To date, no human invention can come close to replacing it. Maybe one day, we will be able to use a person’s own stem cells to grow them a new eye that is genetically theirs – but building eyes isn’t on the horizon. As the saying goes, when you get lemons, you make lemonade. Understanding those limitations, scientists in Newcastle, England, have come up with a way to restore sight to the blind using amazing future tech. Chips with speeds capable of matching what happens in our eyes and brains all the time. Even those with glass eyes may be able to have sight restored via a wearable camera connected to a chip in their brains. Not as good as the eyes we get when we’re born – but nothing to sneeze at for those who have lived years, if not a lifetime, in total darkness. Next to restoring mobility to those who are paralyzed or restoring lost limbs – nothing really comes close to this scientific achievement – which will alter the lives of millions around the world forever. This article by the BBC explains more. Check out the video below for more details on this amazing breakthrough.