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The GoPro of Microphones Lets you Record Sound Remotely via Bluetooth

Screen Shot 2015-07-18 at 9.34.56 PMDesigner and geek, Michele Baggio, has come up with something that’s been needed for a long time. A remote, waterproof mic. A GoPro picks up sound – no doubt, but sometimes you need to shoot from a distance, but get the foley sounds right at the source. Instamic solves that problem by being a low-power bluetooth microphone in a waterproof housing. On a full charge, the Instamic can record for up to 4 hours (mono) or 2 hours (stereo).

For you folks that like to get audio underwater, the Instamic is good up to a depth of 5 feet. Baggio has launched an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign to fund the mass production of the Instamic.


You can learn more about the Instamic on Facebook, Twitter and the designer’s website.