
Archive | hand crafted

Get a Beautiful Mosaic Photobook from Your Smartphone for $10 Off

Screen Shot 2015-06-14 at 11.19.33 AMMosaic is a free app for iOS on iPhone and iPad and for Android. In just seconds, you can craft a gorgeous photobook and order it from your phone and get it in 4 business days. It’s not often you can get a customized, personal gift that quickly!

I’ve got a deal just for my readers – click on this link: and Mosaic will text you a link to the app and you will get $10 off your first Mosaic book! Sadly, the deal won’t work if you’ve already ordered a Mosaic – it’s for first timers only.

Your personalized book has a mosaic, precision window pattern die-cut cover that shows a summary of your 20 photos selected for the book.

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Screen Shot 2015-06-14 at 11.32.55 AMThe Mosaic app will not only let you select photos from your phone’s camera roll (including an easy browse by album), but will also let you select photos from your Facebook albums as well.

The book arrives quickly, in a stunning presentation box. The books are not huge – just 7″x7″ – which is great for good print quality from photos that aren’t always the highest resolution (think about those evening photos you took on your iPhone that are kinda grainy – like Loch Ness Monster photo quality!).

These books are all ready to be given when you receive them. They are already in a beautiful box that is wrapped in a mosaic pattern as well. The box will be a keepsake as well.

You can visit Mosaic on Twitter, Facebook and their website.

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Photo Geeks, Check Out These High Finish, Low-Tech Pinhole Camera Beauties

ondu2Photography has come a long way since film. Changing your ISO on the fly, autofocus lenses that look for faces, EXIF data, GPS tagging, the list goes on. For photo geek purists, however, there is just something about film. Photo geeks have been making their own pinhole cameras for ages. Without a lens, the tiny hole let’s in just enough light for an exposure, while actually focusing the image. Problems with home brew pinhole cameras have included light leaks, poor durability, and varied issues with precision hole size. In their Kickstarter Campaign, the Slovian designers from Ondu are launching a slew of pinhole cameras hand crafted and stained in beautifully finished wood cases. This isn’t their first rodeo. Ondu had a successful campaign last year and they have greatly refined their already high quality work since then and are launching version 2 of their camera in sizes from pocket camera all the way to an 8×10 view camera (you supply the film holder, of course on the view cameras). The finish on these cases is unlike anything you’ve ever seen or likely ever will see on a pinhole camera. No Faraday cage is needed for these puppies – no EMP will ever take out a pinhole camera. It’s built to last – and this beautifully crafted pieces can be heirlooms that you can pass on for generations. With two weeks left on the campaign, Ondu has already quadrupled their funding goal, so this project will definitely be funded. Follow Ondu on Facebook, Twitter and their homepage.
