
Archive | cable management

Geeky Acoustic Amplifier for iPhone 6 Requires No Power

elago1This new Kickstarter project by Elago delivers an elegant charging stand (you supply the cable and power) that uses an acoustic chamber to amplify your music or podcasts. It is beautifully designed and looks like something Apple would use in their retail stores to display their products. I know – I used to work at the Apple Store for nearly 5 years – they’re pretty anal about how they display stuff and the Elago acoustic amplifier would definitely make the aesthetic cut. Their Kickstarter campaign has less than a week to go, so spread the word so this awesome little acoustic speaker can make its funding goal. Elago is on Facebook and on Twitter.



Geek Solution to Cable Management

onixstillA geek designer from Florida, Francisco Molina, has come up with his own unique solution to the problem that drives us anal retentive geeks absolutely crazy: cable management! If you’re like me (and if you’re a geek and reading this blog, you probably are), you’ve got lots of gizmos that need to be plugged in – to power, or USB or AUX or something or other – and the one thing you don’t want is a mess of tangled wires cluttering your beautiful altar of tech greatness. The project he’s launched on Kickstarter ends in just 2 weeks, so be sure to check it out before it’s too late. As cable management doohickeys go, his are very reasonably priced and it’s an innovative design concept.
