
For geeks in love, I present you – Star Wars themed wedding rings!

iknowWhile I wouldn’t redo/change my wedding ring now – it’s simple and elegant and the exact one I picked out – but just seeing these Star Wars themed rings does make me think how awesome it would be if the hubs and I had matching or complimentary Tour d’ Force rings. 🙂

The R2-D2 rings are perhaps the most instantly recognizable and geekiest of offerings – and perhaps the most expensive with 14K white gold… but heck. She’s worth it!  Just imagine the two of you swaggering down the aisle at Comicon or Walker Stalker convention with one of these on your fingers! The R2-D2 rings do look a tad uncomfortable, but geeky coolness can trump comfort at times.

tietheknotAnd for the man in our life… the Tie the Knot ring is beyond brilliant in design. Masculine and geeky and all Star Warsy all at once. Until technology makes a hovercraft or light sabre a reality within your grasp, this is a great fall-back position.
