
A Magnet You Can Carry With You Without Ruining Electronics

Screen Shot 2015-07-28 at 7.19.38 AMAll geeks love magnets. They are fascinating – and rare earth magnets are the coolest kind – super strong, yet small and portable. The problem with magnets is their ability to damage computer and television displays and to erase data from hard drives.

Mon Chan has solved this problem with his MagTic campaign on Kickstarter. His fold-up keychain gizmo conceals 6 neodymium magnets inside. When not in use, the magnetic field is shielded within the metal casing – securely enough that Chan demonstrates this by laying it on his Macbook Pro. The MagTic has already met its funding goal and there are still early bird options left. I am personally backing this project to get 1 of the MagTic items for my keychain. 🙂

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