
Geeks Can Use this SAAS to Prototype Their Mobile Apps

logo2This Software As A Service (SAAS), Fluid, helps groups and individuals – designers and programers – to mock up their app ideas before executing development. This is a time saver and steps beyond simple flowcharts. Don’t get me wrong – flowcharts are awesome. I personally use flowcharts all the time before starting a huge project. These are not simply mock-ups, however. Fluid lets you actually do some low-level prototyping.

Unlike a lot of other prototyping SAAS sites, they actually have a free plan. It lets you really stretch your legs and work on small projects – and the plans they have let you step up as necessary in very affordable fashion. Prototype models for iPhones, iPads, Apple Watch, Windows Phone, Android, Windows OS and Mac OS are there, with lots of other little gizmos (yeah, that’s a technical term) you can utilize for basic interactivity. It’s like a flowchart that is made of movies instead of flat images.

You can learn more about Fluid on their website, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and Pinterest. They also have an extension for Google Chrome.
