
Metperial Pocket Tool Does Everything But the Dishes

tool1Designer Denis Stewart has designed and executed a beautiful multitool that uses both Imperial and Metric measurements for tightening some of the most commonly used sizes of small nuts and screws. He’s launched a Kickstarter campaign to finance the mass production of the tool so geeks like you and me can have one of these relatively inexpensively.

This very small tool packs a strong punch. Literally. You can use it as a punch, you can break a window to escape your crashed car and use the same tool to cut your seatbelt if you’re trapped. It cuts wire, strips wire, scribes into metal, chisels into wood and loosens and tightens just about anything on a bicycle and wants to be the survivalist tool you carry everywhere. You’ve got to see the video below to see just a smidgen of what this baby can do.

The metperial survivalist tool would make a pretty nifty Chanukah or Christmas gift for your favorite geek.

The metperial survivalist tool would make a pretty nifty Chanukah or Christmas gift for your favorite geek.

This is not Stewart’s first rodeo. He previously successfully funded a much simpler multitool. This multitool has a similar form factor, but it’s a lot more robust and feature packed.

Shockingly, Stewart doesn’t have a website or any social media – but his previous Kickstarter shows a lot of comments from people who received the finished product as promised.