
Geeks, Your Dream Has Become Reality – You CAN Own a Light Saber

bladehilt1Ok, it will not slice the arms and legs of Anakin Skywalker, but it looks just as cool. Oregon designer, Phillip Isherwood, has been building these things for years… and this isn’t just some kid that goes to renaissance fairs that makes crude weapons in his parent’s basement – he really makes them… as in he has a 5,000 sq. ft. facility with 20 employees that work on these things all the time. Yes, geeks. You can rest assured, you are not alone in your desire to own a realistic light saber. There is enough of a steady need for these that twenty adults get paid well to work on these full time, year round. Seriously.

Isherwood just upped the ante by making adaptive saber kit parts so you can construct your own saber, just like any young Jedi should do. You don’t think Obi Wan Kenobi just went to Walmart, do you? Isherwood started a Kickstarter campaign to fund the mass production of these kit parts so you can have different saber to take with you to every sci-fi convention you attend. With more than 2 weeks to go on the campaign, it’s already earned more than double its goal.

You can follow Isherwood’s company, Saber Forge, on Facebook, Twitter, Etsy, YouTube and their website.