
Techno-geek LED Base Lamp Turns Your Geekery Into Light

baselamp1New York designer, Luke Kelly, digs lamps. He makes all kinds – but he’s crafted a special kind of lamp that fuses everyone’s need for light with a geeks need to have refined wood, heat sinks and LEDs that can dim – all in the same package.

Kelly calls his new creation Base Lamp and he’s launched a Kickstarter to get it into your hands. He demonstrates in the campaign’s video that you can use almost anything to be a lamp – but I think it’s far more than that. It is like museum lighting for your coolest keepsakes or mementos that you wish to display. Backers have the option to get a base in bamboo or American walnut. The lamps are manufactured in the USA.

You can follow this project on Facebook, Twitter and on the designer’s website.

