
Practical Design for Light-up Keychain Helps Geeks with Poor Night Vision

keylight2Geeks around the world have keys – keys to the house, to the office, to the lab (which might be just your man or lady cave – a closet, pillow fort or TuffShed) and we have issues at night with these things. We stare at flickering screens all day long. Our eyes are tired and as we age (especially the ladies), we can’t see squat at night. I’ve had mini mag lights and all kinds of things to light up my keys. I can’t always use my iPhone light because I’m carrying other stuff with one hand and fiddling with keys in the others. It’s never practical to try to aim a flash light at your keyhole while also trying to use the key – especially if you only have one hand free.

The designers Sanyo Tzeng and Julien Egger at Synthesis Labs have come up with a solution – a keyring in which the entire ring lights up – and brightly… Enter BEAM. Beam: The Luminous Keychain, is now on Kickstarter. You can follow Synthesis Labs on their website.
