
Beautiful Geek-worthy Fridge Magnets That Work

Screen Shot 2015-06-20 at 1.16.31 PMAll geeks have a thing for magnets. They are fascinating. I spent countless hours of my youth playing with them – and then the whole adult thing happens – now they’re not only cool, but they have real purpose. Apple uses them for charging their laptops and lots of gear we like to play with involve a magnet here and there. Sometimes you just want a respectable looking magnet that will actually be able to hold up a couple of receipts on your fridge or your filing cabinet without sliding down to the floor or just falling off (loudly) at 3 a.m.

Canadian geek and designer, Brendon Nunes, has designed such a magnet and has launched a Kickstarter campaign through his company, Trintec, which also makes stunning aviator watches. It mimics the design of map push-pins, minus the pointy end. 🙂 It is solidly constructed out of solid aluminum or brass (your choice) and has a pulling strength of over 5 lbs. That translates to 16 sheets of paper between the magnet and the fridge, baby!

The strong magnets are screwed in to the solid metal housing – not glued in like lesser designs I’ve seen – so barring an EMP or nuclear blast, these magnets will hold for a lifetime.

You can follow Trintec on Twitter, Facebook, and their website.

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