
Canva can make you look like a design rock star

Canva can make you a superstar!

Canva can make you a superstar!

I personally take pride in crafting my own logos and designs, but sometimes I need something quick and dirty for a project – maybe for a social media post on one of my gigs – that’s when I turn to Canva. In just literally a few seconds, I created the design below. Yes – it’s completely random – but it looks slick, sharp and just cool in a snap. I am not exaggerating. Literally seconds to create these designs. Many of the elements are completely free – but the also offer premium photos and illustrations at just $1 a pop to help make your design stand out… so if you need a graphic to stand out in your Twitter feed, your Facebook post, or something classy to add to an e-mail newsletter, Canva can make you look like rock star at no cost… and it can make you look like a superstar for just a buck. The site lets you export your work out as a high-res PDF or a JPG for free and it’s pretty intuitive to use. The site is super slick – behaves like software in that it’s fast – no delay while things load into the browser. Check it out.