
Aluminum-Free Deodorant for Stinky Geeks

Some of you may have read my post from back in March where I pontificated on the dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup (it’s very taxing on the liver) and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate visa vie my personal story of how these two items were crippling me, quite literally. I shared a lot of products that I use that are SLS free, because just about everything in my bathroom had SLS in it. In my quest to purge my body of further SLS exposure, I decided to go aluminum-free with my deodorant as well. It’s something I had planned on doing for years, but kept postponing. From the time I was 12 or so – whenever I started wearing deodorant – I must have tried 50-100 different brands of deodorant. I’d sign up and mail off for free samples (yes, actual snail mail – the burden of existing in the pre-Internet universe) of just about every brand out there. I didn’t care if it was designed for men or women. I needed it to work, smell good, and not make my armpits irritated. Everything I tried, even if it was scent-free, would irritate my armpits like crazy. I finally found my go-to brand that I used for decades – Arrid Extra Dry.


This used to be my go-to for years. Decades, even. Works great. Zero irritation. But alas – with aluminum. No bueno.

I’d get the baby powder scent as a rule and it worked. It was an antiperspirant and like all current antiperspirants on the market, the active ingredient is an aluminum-based compound. Per WebMD (and other sources), years of aluminum exposure can increase the risk of Alzheimer’s and breast cancer. And as Sweet Brown so eloquently stated, “Ain’t nobody got time for that.”

I’d been doing research online and looked into one of those crystal deodorants, but they are plagued with some of the same problems as the aluminum-based antiperspirants. Then one evening, my husband and I were watching Shark Tank (as do all good geeks) and a couple of gals pitched their all natural deodorant that “actually works,” called Piper Wai. They got the funding they were looking for, but as is the case with many successes with Shark Tank, they were bombarded with orders once their episode aired. I placed my order and their site said they were backordered and it might take longer than expected. It took a couple of months. I knew that if it worked, it would be worth it and they’d catch up with demand eventually.

Smells great. Totally works. Burned my pits. Doubleplus ungood. :(

Piper Wai – smells great. Totally works. Burned my pits. Doubleplus ungood. 🙁

I saw some listed on Amazon (being resold at a hefty premium by a 3rd party seller) and my search led me to get pitched repeatedly via smart ads on Facebook for Schmidt’s. I figured I’d go ahead and order their deodorant and try it out while waiting on Piper Wai – and who knows – maybe I’d like Schmidt’s even better?

The two scents I got were Bergamot Lime and Cedarwood Juniper. Both smelled absolutely heavenly. My friend, Dana, told me that after her husband mulched their yard with cedar chips, the aroma was so heavenly that she declared to her him that that must be what God smells like. Yes, friends – Schmidt’s smells that good to be compared to something you’d smell like with your glorified body. For realz.

This is the best smelling anything I've ever put on my body. If I could, I'd eat it so I could sweat it out - but sadly, it was like I took a belt sander to my armpits. I was miserable. For months. Ironically, I could rub this stuff on my belly (why not?) and have zero reaction. Armpit skin is apparently more delicate. Dunno. Not using this awesome stuff anymore due to the chemical burns I got on my armpits. Sadness.

This is the best smelling anything I’ve ever put on my body. If I could, I’d eat it so I could sweat it out – but sadly, it was like I took a belt sander to my armpits. I was miserable. For months. Ironically, I could rub this stuff on my belly (why not?) and have zero reaction. Armpit skin is apparently more delicate. Dunno. Not using this awesome stuff anymore due to the chemical burns I got on my armpits. Sadness.

I had read the reviews on Amazon, which were fairly mixed, but I was willing to give it a try and let me tell you, Schmidt’s works. I’d perspire, but I would not smell when using it – but my armpits would sting like I’d applied a mound of fire ants there. Some of the Amazon reviews had similar complaints. I’d seen a comment (which I guess has been since deleted) that the person who reviewed it poorly was probably sensitive to baking soda and that to keep trying it because it’s something you get over in time. So I used this stuff like an idiot for MONTHS. My armpits got so dark that my husband said I looked bruised. My order of Piper Wai finally arrived and it did the same exact thing. Burning and more burning. A friend suggested using coconut oil on my armpits before applying it – and it did help, but the burning continued – and it would burn intermittently all day long.

I finally realized that this could not go on. I was thinking about my armpits all day because they were on fire. I loved the smell, but I could no longer stand the itching and burning. I reluctantly went back to my Arrid Extra Dry and my armpits started to heal from the hell I had put them through. I didn’t care about Alzheimer’s – I just didn’t want to get funky at work and I didn’t want my armpits to hurt 24/7. When they weren’t burning, they were itching. I was done.

This stuff right here. It is AWESOME. Lots of scents to choose from. I seriously have worn this for over 24 hours with zero funk. No burning. No itching. No armpit skin discoloration. Just odor protection for an entire stinking day. I am not kidding you.

This stuff right here. It is AWESOME. Lots of scents to choose from. I seriously have worn this for over 24 hours with zero funk. No burning. No itching. No armpit skin discoloration. Just odor protection for an entire stinking day. I am not kidding you.

After a week or so back on Arrid, I remembered I was a member of a private Facebook group that discusses totally natural remedies for folks for various ailments, so I posted my slightly less wordy lament regarding natural deodorant and another group member suggested I try the deodorant offered by Olive Tree Body Care. They are located in Fort Worth, TX – and if you live nearby, they will let you pick up your order at their house (yes, it’s a home business) to save on shipping. I lived a bit too far to make that practical for trying out one stick of deodorant, so I opted to pay for shipping. I got my deodorant in a few days and BOOM! The only other deodorant I’ve ever used in my life that doesn’t irritate my skin and it works longer than any other deodorant I’ve ever used. I am not freaking kidding you. I opted for the ginger citrus scent and it is dreamy. Is it as sexy as Schmidt’s Cedarwood Juniper? Sadly, no – but my skin is continuing to heal as I use this aluminum-free, paraben-free and petroleum-free deodorant. When I made the online order, there was a spot to enter a comment and I stated that I hoped it didn’t burn me like everything else I had tried in the past. The owner of the business followed up with a personal e-mail, stating that she had had similar problems with burning armpits and she researched ingredients until she got the right formula. I am completely blown-away at how cheap her stuff is. A mere $5 for an all-natural deodorant. It’s about the same price as the commercial stuff that gives you dementia!

For geeks who perspire (this means you!) and are looking for an aluminum-free deodorant that isn’t going to irritate you, this is a great brand to try out. They don’t have an unscented version, unfortunately, but for those who aren’t crazy about scents in general, I can tell you the scent is super mild. Most people aren’t going to smell it even when you hug them. It is subtle. There are some other businesses with similar names to Olive Tree Body Care, so make sure you’re going to the right place. You can also like them on Facebook.

The Fit & Finish of 3D Printed Objects just got a Ginormous Upgrade

Have you ever - EVER - seen 3D printed objects with this level of finish? EVER?

Have you ever – EVER – seen 3D printed objects with this level of finish? EVER?

I know it’s hard to believe, but I STILL don’t have a 3D printer. I’ve gotten close to jumping in on some low-cost Kickstarter 3D printers that have come up, but I don’t print in 3D often enough to justify the expenditure of several Benjamins when the industry is changing at break-neck speed. Despite not yet having a 3D printer, I’ve got my mouse-clicking finger hovering over the “back this project” button on this new gizmo that puts a spit-shine on 3D printed objects you have to see to believe. I have ordered some 3D printed objects from Shape Ways before and I’ve seen and handled a lot of 3D printed objects – and even the nicest don’t have the kind of finish you get from using the special PolySmooth filament and the amazing Polysher polisher that makes your finished project look like it was made from the finest injection mold money can buy. It makes supports super-easy to remove, too. It’s so exciting to see these changes in this industry. The 3D printer industry is more and more becoming affordable for the common man and like most technology, keeps getting better and more affordable at the same time.

luckycatsThis is Polymaker’s 2nd Kickstarter project – the last being an earlier iteration of their high-quality printing filament. Their polisher comes with a free spool of the PolySmooth and comes with all kinds of bells and whistles – including varied color lights in which to view your creation as it goes through the polishing process. Less than three weeks remain on this really neat and relatively affordable project on Kickstarter. For just $10, you can back the makers of the project and get a 3D printed animal (your choice of color) so you can have first-hand experience and knowledge of what this thing is capable of and let it inform your future buying decisions in this marketplace. At this writing, they have tripled their $100K funding goal and more than 2 weeks left until the campaign is over. If you do have a 3D printer, I don’t know how you’d be able to resist this thing.

You can back their campaign on Kickstarter, visit their website, like them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, watch them on YouTube, and collect their pins on Pinterest.

This, as Polymaker states, is where the magic happens. :)

This, as Polymaker states, is where the magic happens. 🙂