
Old School Cinematography & New School Videography Just Had a Baby

case1I really dig this “smartcase” by Lumenati. It is much more than a case. If you’ve ever gotten to handle an old school 8mm movie camera, you understand the amazing low-tech achievement of those days of yesteryear in which pure mechanics ran the film. No batteries were required. Designer Scott McDonald created a ‘case’ for your iPhone that allows you to marry this low tech mechanical marvel of the past to today’s technology – and the baby they make is a beauty.

Lumenati has launched a Kickstarter Campaign to fund the mass production of this far-out product that does a lot of stuff. It makes shooting video with your phone a pleasure. No more bird-claw hands. Like the old school ergonomic 8mm film movie cameras, there is a stout handle to hold.

Lumenati is currently developing an app that will work in conjunction with the case. The Kickstarter campaign will also fund the completion of this app. With a simple click of the easy-access button on the Lumenati case, your iPhone is filming. You can look through a viewfinder. No more glare or reflections looking at an iPhone screen – especially when you’re outside. You can change lenses from macro all the way to telephoto very easily.



Your iPhone is already a powerful video making gadget – but the Lumenati smartcase gives you the ability to harness that power in a way that’s easier to manage. Grab your iPhone by the horns. There are just over 3 weeks left on this Kickstarter and they’ve made $50 above their funding goal as of this writing.

You can follow Lumenati on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Vimeo and their website.

How it works: CS1 from Lumenati on Vimeo.

It’s Almost October 21, Time to Get Back to the Future

flux1We’re almost to that spot in the future where Marty McFly meets his future self. It’s time to get your nostalgia on in a way that’s practical. Time travel itself – probably out of our reach for a while if not forever… but you can still have a functioning flux capacitor. This realistic replica helps you charge your gadgets that make the famed flux capacitor look pretty primitive in comparison. You can get one of these things you know you’ve secretly wanted ever since you’ve seen Back to the Future, for just $34 from Amazon.

October 21, 2015 is just around the corner. Get ready for the arrival of Marty McFly and Doc Brown – just make sure you’re able to get your DeLorean to 88 mph!
