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Low-Tech, Old School Way of Making Art

Low-Tech, Old School Way of Making Art

The old-school way of making art - flat features and babies that are shrunken adults.

The old-school way of making art – flat features and babies that are shrunken adults.

One thing you observe when looking through art history, is that a lot of art looked the same – for centuries, as they were making art the only way they knew how – then BOOM. An explosion of depth in paintings. Up through the Byzantine era, most artwork looked flat. Very rarely would you see the side profile of a person. Most art had a religious theme because only the church, royalty, and the rich could afford to commission an artist to make art. Whenever you see a baby in paintings pre-dating the renaissance, they look like shrunken adults, not babies.

The explosion of depth in Renaissance painting

Artwork that we often categorize as some of the most recognizable of the renaissance period predates the known existence of the Camera Obscura and the Camera Lucida by over a century, but it has been theorized that the most well-known artists of the period were using a type of Camera Obscura or Camera Lucida to achieve depth and appropriate ratios of arms and heads to body sizes. Seemingly overnight, we start to see artwork like this:

Artemisia Gentileschi - Judith slaying Holofernes

Finally, a geek article that lets me share one of my favorite renaissance paintings. 🙂 Artemisia Gentileschi was a unicorn – one of the very few female renaissance painters – and quite the master of the craft. Notice how the art here looks like a photo or a movie scene. Light moves around the contours of the arms and faces. Granted – there was amazing skill involved – but how did artists of this time suddenly have the ability to see these details?

Enter the Camera Lucida

The old-school Camera Lucida

The old-school Camera Lucida

Artist Pablo Garcia wants to help artists around the world by bringing back an old-school technique of making art. The Camera Lucida. Long before the invention of photography, these ‘cameras’ allowed artists to see a reflection of their subject projected onto their canvas. Some today would call this “tracing” or “cheating,” but having tools at your disposal does not suddenly transform you into a talented artist. Just as the discovery of new pigments gave artists new colors to use in their palettes was not cheating – this is not cheating. It’s a tool. And a pretty freakin’ awesome tool at that.

Garcia, professor at School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC), successfully funded a Kickstarter campaign a while back with a modern rendition of the old-school Camera Lucida. Now he’s back with a newer and bigger version – the NeoLucida XL. He’s passionate about this tool and wants more of these to be made for art students to use. Larger viewing area means less hunching and squinting on the part of the artist. A lot of thought went into its redesign.

There’s still time to back this project

At the time I’m writing this blog post, there are about 4 weeks left to back this project on Kickstarter. You can still get your hands on your very own NeoLucida XL. You can check out Garcia’s Kickstarter page, follow his personal website, follow him on Twitter, follow him on Instagram, follow the NeoLucida on Twitter, or check out the NeoLucida on Facebook.

NeoLucidaXL in use

Here’s the NeoLucida XL in use.

Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall, Who’s the Fairest of them All?

mirror mirrorThe Mirror of the Future Has Arrived

Mirrors are pretty cool. We are spoiled in the modern era to have mirrors that are clear, bright, undistorted and wildly affordable. At one time, only the affluent had access to mirrors – which were polished brass, copper, silver, or even gold. Gold was common as a mirror for Egyptian pharaohs – because they could afford them and because they did not tarnish.

So – now we’ve got mirrors and they pretty much serve two purposes in a modern home – they can make a room look bigger by reflecting light and the open space – and of course to check for zits, unwanted facial hair, and other imperfections.

Meet FireFly

Well, an inventor named Noah Martin has added a new function to the mirror that is long overdue. While it has long been the stuff of science fiction fantasy, it’s now a reality. Their imagery they are showing on their Kickstarter page is of the product, not of a CGI render. While you can find some open source plans for making a smart mirror via a tablet on GitHub, it’s something you have to make yourself, and not a product you can actually buy… until now!

This smart mirror has face detection – so it comes on when it detects you’re there. Hello Star Trek!

Martin’s Kickstarter is live and it goes by FireFly. I really like the concept of this thing. I really love my iPhone, but I don’t want to have my phone in the bathroom, exposing it to humidity. While getting ready for work, you can see how your stocks are doing or if you need to bring an umbrella.

There are still some earlybird offers for $130 to get your own FireFly. If you want one, you need to act fast, as this Kickstarter ends in just 11 days.

Smart mirr

Follow the FireFly project on their websiteKickstarter, Facebook, and Twitter.